
I am a wedding photographer who loves to tell stories. My job is to capture every precious detail through my personal way of seeing the world.

For years, I traveled with a film camera in hand until I decided to turn this passion into a profession. I was driven by the desire to explore the world, and the farther I went, the more I realized that every departure always leads to a return, and it is not the journey itself that enriches you, but the return home. For this reason, after two years of adventures between Sarajevo and Burkina Faso, I decided that photography would be my life.

I decided to focus primarily on wedding photography and pursue this choice consciously, striving to break the clichés that often surround this field. My approach is emotional, aiming to capture and reflect the authentic image of who you truly are.

I am a member of ANFM, an association that brings together the best wedding photographers in Italy. My work has been featured in specialized magazines such as Wed Vibes and Love Nozze.

Alongside my wedding photography work, I carry out my personal projects. One of these, titled Inhabitant/Unhabitant, received second place in the national Silvia Agus contest. The magazine Perimetro dedicated an article to it.

In 2024, I published my first novel titled Il Silenzio della neve che cade, published by Radici Edizioni. I am currently working on my second novel.